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AudioMoth Configuration App

The AudioMoth Configuration App is an easy to use tool for customising your AudioMoth devices. Once your device is on the latest firmware, this is the only app you'll need.


Using it you can schedule recording periods, create a schedule which follows sunset and sunrise, customise recording gain and sample rates as well as calculate approximate device lifespans given a configuration.


For usage instructions, click here and for more detailed discussion of the new features, click here.

Current version: 1.12.1
AudiMoth Flash App
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AudioMoth Flash App

​​The AudioMoth Flash App is used to easily flash your AudioMoth with the latest firmware. Keep your AudioMoth up to date by downloading and applying firmware through this app.


It can also be used to flash devices with your own custom firmware.

Current version: 1.7.0

AudioMoth Time App

The AudioMoth Time App is a simple tool for setting the onboard time of a device.


It will set the time and retrieve device information such as the unique ID, current battery level, and a firmware description, even when custom firmware has been installed.


For devices using standard firmware, the Time App can be used to set the time, prior to a deployment, without changing any other configuration details.

Current version: 1.1.3
Screenshot 2021-09-03 at 17.53.50.png

​Additional Linux Installation Notes

If you have trouble running the .AppImage executable, right click the file and ensure that it has permission to run as a program. On certain distributions you may also have to install libfuse in order to run .AppImage files. To do so run the following command:

> cd /lib/udev/rules.d/

> sudo gedit 99-audiomoth.rules

Then enter the following text:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0002", MODE="0666"

SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="0666"

On certain Linux distributions, you may have to manually set the permissions for ports to allow the app communicate with your AudioMoth. If you experience connection issues, try the following command:


> sudo usermod -a -G dialout MY_USER_NAME


Certain distributions will also require you to run the app with no sandbox, do so with the following command (replacing X.X.X with the current version number) :


> sudo ./AudioMothConfigurationAppSetupX.X.X.AppImage --no-sandbox


You can either keep the .AppImage in a memorable location and run it from there every time, or integrate it into your system. To do this, first install AppImageLauncher and then run each app. You will be given the choice to either run as normal or integrate it into your applications menu.

By default, Linux prevents writing to certain types of USB devices such as the AudioMoth. In order to use either of these applications you must first navigate to /lib/udev/rules.d/ and create a new file with the name 99-audiomoth.rules:

> sudo apt install libfuse2

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