AudioMoth Live App
The AudioMoth Live App takes audio from any USB microphone and displays a live scrolling waveform and spectrogram, with options to make continuous recordings, monitor the audio input, or apply a heterodyne bat detector to the input.

The AudioMoth Live App works with all USB microphones but is specifically designed to work with AudioMoth USB Microphone firmware, which allows all existing AudioMoth hardware versions to be used as configurable USB microphones.
For more information on using the AudioMoth Live App see the application note here.
Download the latest version here:
​Additional Linux Installation Notes
> cd /lib/udev/rules.d/
> sudo gedit 99-audiomoth.rules
Then enter the following text:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16d0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="06f3", MODE="0666"
By default, Linux prevents writing to certain types of USB devices such as the AudioMoth. In order to use all the features of the AudioMoth Live App you must first navigate to /lib/udev/rules.d/ and create a new file with the name 99-audiomoth.rules:
As well as the graphical user interface described above, the AudioMoth Live App has an additional variant, named AudioMoth-Live, that can be used as a command line tool.
Download the latest version here:
The Linux and Raspberry Pi files are shell scripts that can be run from the command line after downloading with the commands:
> sh
> sh
The Linux version will copy a pre-compiled executable to /usr/local/bin while the Raspberry Pi will compile the executable from source code and then copy it to /usr/local/bin. Both versions will prompt for the user password in order to complete the copy.
The Linux and Raspberry Pi shell scripts can also be downloaded directly from the command line with:
> curl -LJO
> curl -LJO
​Most Linux releases currently use PulseAudio to allow applications to connect with audio devices. By default, PulseAudio supporys all sample rates. However, from Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm onwards, the Raspberry Pi uses PipeWire rather than PulseAudio for audio. By default, PipeWire does note support all sample rates. To allow PipwWire to use all the available sample rates follow the instructions here.
For more information on using AudioMoth-Live see the application note here.​