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Forum Posts
Nov 16, 2020
In Device Support
I have 4 units which are faulty and would appreciate some tips/feedback please. AM1: Configures fine, but both lights flash when it should be recording and I get no files. I have tried with 3 different cards, including one that works fine in another unit. Sounds like a problem writing to the card, but not a card error as such. AM2: Records noise only. Could this be a faulty mic? AM3: Works OK , but the volltage always displays in Config App as <3.6v. The same batteries show as 4.4v when I put them in another unit. AM4: When I connect to PC using a cable that works fine with other units, the green light flickers then fades. The Config App won't recognise the unit. All of the above are running the latest (?) firmware, i.e. 1.4.4 and I am using Config App 1.3.6 At the moment I have more units that don't work than those that do. Also, despite hardly any use, the fastening clips on the 'as supplied' protective cases have broken. Can these be replaced?
May 21, 2020
In Enclosures
I ordered 5 of the new enclosures and just received this from FedEx: Hello, Your FedEx Shipment Airway Bill # 392969147876 has been imported from outside the EU, it is subject to an import charge of £56.59 GBP. Has anyone else in UK experienced similar. The duty seems very high compared to the value of the order.
Jan 28, 2020
In Device Support
One of my older units (1.0.0) refuses to work (no files written when I deploy). I have flashed with the latest firmware (1.2.2), but when I try to configure or use the Time app. I get a reading of <3.6 v. The batteries are new, and if I put them in another unit I get a reading of 4.8 v. Any ideas?
Jul 28, 2018
In Configuration Support
Hi, I am trying to initialise my AudioMoth using Windows 10, but I keep getting an error "Could not open file" at the final stage when I enter "flash.exe COM4 Audiomoth.bin" in the command line. Any ideas?
Jul 27, 2018
In Enclosures
I have bought some Really Useful Box(es), the smallest size, 0.07L. The AudioMoth fits perfectly! I will need to drill a small hole for the microphone (I'm not sure exactly where yet), and maybe some small holes at the bottom to let condensation out. The microphone hole I will cover with Scotch Tape which,hopefully, will keep the unit dry but allow external sound to be detected. There will be some attenuation, but I'm hoping that experimenting with the gain will overcome this. I had to buy a lot of these little boxes and have plenty to spare if anybody in the UK or Euro region wants one - no charge. Email:
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