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Stazione Teriologica Piemontese
Mar 21, 2024
In Configuration Support
I have the following problem: some audiomoths don't maintain set time. Other AMs work fine.
In the order:
-I replaced the batteries.
-I updated the time with AM Time App.
-I configured with AM Configuration App by loading the settings that I attach.
When I switch to CUSTOM, the flashing green LED, indicating sleeping between recordings, does not come on, but the flashing green LED and the steady red LED do come on. Note that I didn't check "Always require acoustic chime on switching to CUSTOM".
If I put AM back on USB/off and recheck the set time with AM Time App. I see that the time is not updated (00:00:00 01/01/1970 UTC).
At that point I also used the acoustic chime app and the green LED went into sleeping between recordings. However, at the scheduled start time of recording, the AM did not record and went back to flashing green LED and steady red LED mode. If I check again with AM Time App, the time is lost again.
I tried to set a configuration with start recording 00:00 and end recording 00:00 and the AM (activated with the acoustic chime app) records correctly continuously. I therefore think that both the battery voltage and the SD card are ok.
Further checks: I tried with other USB cables and tried using another PC (I used both Windows Home 10 and Windows 11) and nothing changed. Applications and firmware are all updated to the latest versions.
I also attach the serial numbers of the Ams
Thanks for your help
Paolo Debernardi
Stazione Teriologica Piemontese
Feb 01, 2024
In Configuration Support
Hi Alex,
I have to monitor bat activity in several pairs of high altitude alpine lakes (from 2000 to 2700 meters above sea level) using 8 Audiomoths per session. Given the study area, it would be very useful to generate a firmware that uses the CONFIG.TXT file previously copied to the SD card with the required schedule. The aim is to activate our Audiomoths in the field only with the chime.
I attach, in txt format, the ALP10SEC.config file created with the AudioMoth Configuration App. Obviously this firmware will no longer be configurable in the AM App Config.
Thanks for your help.
Paolo Debernardi
Stazione Teriologica Piemontese
Aug 22, 2023
In Device Support
Hi Alex,
I bought eighteen AudioMoth 1.2.0, but unfortunately eight of them do not work correctly.
Before using them we updated the firmware from 1.7.0 to 1.8.1 with AudioMothFlashApp 1.4.1. and we used AudioMothConfigurationApp 1.9.1. with the configuration you find in the file: LIFE ALPYR.config.
We use 128GB Sandisk Extreme Pro SD.
When I set the AudioMoth to CUSTOM, the red light stays on and the green one flashes. The AudioMoth does not record anything. As a matter of course I checked the batteries and they are OK. The manual says that the red light stays on if the AudioMoth cannot find the recording period settings. I tried to record by setting the AudioMoth to DEFAULT and it records, but produces files with an incorrect date (01/01/2098). I attach the CONFIG.txt file that I find after the test on DEFAULT. Could please help me?
Thank you very much
Stazione Teriologica Piemontese
May 03, 2022
In Device Support
I use μMoth to record bats. With the sampling frequency at 384 kHz I always register regular disturbing signals. If I lower the sampling rate to 250 kHz it doesn't happen to me. It looks like a disturbance produced by the micromoth I attach sample files. Thanks for suggestions Paolo Debernardi
Stazione Teriologica Piemontese
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