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Forum Comments
AudioMoth Configuration App 1.3.2
In Announcements
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
Jun 27, 2020
Great new features, thanks to the whole team!
Would it be possible to have custom 'maxim file length' in the Expan AudioMoth Recordings? We normally split files into 5 seconds, and sometimes into 2 seconds, depending on the survey. Besides, 5 seconds files is quite common among bat surveyors and researchers.
Many thanks!
AudioMoth Configuration App 1.3.0 & Firmware 1.4.0
In Announcements
Voltage limit on newer version?
In Device Support
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
Oct 04, 2019
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the quick answer!
We solder the batteries onto the terminals. After following your instructions I've noticed that the only devices that don't work fine are those we welded power cables to yesterday.
Please apologize for rushing the question, I should have double checked that before.
approx. time of arrival from GroupGets?
In Device Purchase
Change sampling rate on default settings
In Device Support
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
May 29, 2019
Thanks Alex! I'll try it again following your explanation.
The green LED issue might be misleading in this case because I also made other changes in the firmware that may be responsible of its flashing. I'll try on a 'clean' version with no further changes.
approx. time of arrival from GroupGets?
In Device Purchase
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
May 21, 2019
Hi Alasdair,
We look forward to start working with the devices.
Many thanks, and congratulations for the great work you are doing.
approx. time of arrival from GroupGets?
In Device Purchase
Acoustic membrane on GroupGets
In Enclosures
Acoustic membrane on GroupGets
In Enclosures
Xavier Puig-Montserrat
May 16, 2019
Hi David,
That's very good news, since the vents are difficult to get, but I cannot find the campaign... Is it still on?
UTC issue when changing from GMT+2 to GMT+1
In Configuration Support
WAV headers with non-recognisable AudioMoth ID
In Device Support
Flashing: device not recognised by Windows 7
In Configuration Support
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