AudioMoth is Ready to Group Get
AudioMoth is now online so all hardware and software design files can now be publicly accessed. This also means that the first group purchase is currently underway on GroupGets.
The first order has been organised by Alasdair Davies of the Arribada Initiative in response to requests from a large number of individuals all wishing to individually acquire the device. By aggregating individual orders into one large bulk purchase, the cost of each device is reduced by up to 80% when compared to individuals purchasing device(s) independently.
To join the first group purchase of AudioMoth visit GroupGets.
Hardware design files can be accessed through CircuitHub. This includes EAGLE schematics and PCB layout files.
All software relating to AudioMoth can be accessed through GitHub.
Don't worry if you miss the first order, the next one will follow shortly after.
This is the first group purchase organised, therefore the order is limited to 300 devices. This will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. It is suggested that you order a limited number in case of any issues with the new process. The individual price of devices from CircuitHub varies depending on their current component stock levels and the number of devices ordered. A fixed price is chosen to cover this variation in cost and to support users in the future. The cost does not include taxes and duties. This margin will be used to purchase additional AudioMoth devices that will be held in a common spares pool and to provide trial devices to interested parties.
AudioMoth is an output from a research project at the University of Southampton and the University of Oxford to develop low-cost acoustic sensors for environmental and biodiversity monitoring. The hardware design, and all associated software, is open-source and freely available. Note that AudioMoth is a prototype research tool, and is not a commercial product. As such, it comes with no warranty or guarantee that it is fit for purpose.
Please use the discussion forum on the GroupGets website to discuss the group purchase. For device support, please visit The Arribada Initiative actively supports both the conservation community and the developers of conservation technology, and is exploring how open tools can help the developers of conservation technologies to distribute, support and maintain the devices they design in the future.
Once you have your AudioMoth devices, be sure to sign up on the forum for support and to provide us with invaluable feedback.