Applying new firmware to your AudioMoth just became much easier with the release of the AudioMoth Flash App. With this application you can easily download and apply updates to the default AudioMoth firmware as we release them. If you've written your own firmware variant then you can apply it using this application too.

If you're applying new firmware to a device currently on 1.2.2 or older, then a paperclip will be required to manually put the device into flash mode (instructions for doing so are found in the app).
Post any support queries in the new forum section here.
Peter - an info report - On Windows 10 Home 1909 - the flashapp bricked both my AudioMoths. Then I couldn't get flash to load the firmware either, after much pluggin unpluging and rebooting - Windows decided to reinstall the USB/COM driver as COM4 whereas flash had been reporting the AudioMoth as COM3. Using COM4 - flash did it's thing and now I have both AudioMoths back reporting the correct firmware.
The Flash app doesn't work!
The app will find an AudioMoth in flash mode - either automatically if v1.3.0 is installed or following manual set up of flash mode with earlier firmware - and when a downloaded firmware is selected the "Flash AudioMoth" button is enabled.
Iniitially the "Flashing AudioMoth" pop-up is displayed and (if flashing from v1.3.0) the correct COM port opens. However this is followed by an error dialogue: "Failed to open port" and the AudioMoth is left in an unresponsive state. A firmware must then be installed manually, using the original Flash utility.
If you've never updated the firmware on your AudioMoth, now's the best time for it! To get all the improvements and bug fixes implemented so far just download the app and download firmware version 1.3.0.