With the latest AudioMoth group purchase on its way to those who ordered, we thought now was a good time to release a usage survey to get some feedback on your experience with AudioMoth and our supporting software.
We'd greatly appreciate it if you took a few minutes to complete the following survey. We'll analyse the responses and make the overall results available online as well as use them to inform how we take AudioMoth forward.
The final question asks whether or not you'd be willing to take a brief interview to get a bit more information about how you're applying the AudioMoth. This is for a human-computer interaction study into the usability of tech in conservation. We'd love to get as many volunteers as possible for this.
I started the survey however it is not setup to capture demographics/information of individual/amateur. users unless I'm the only one - BTW by amateur, I mean I don't get paid :) - do I fill in the survey as is or do you want to add a box just for me?