Plan B was to run the Configuration software on my old netbook using a portable Linux distro from a USB drive. I've tried 3 different versions: Knoppix (possibly too old), Lubuntu 16.04.3 and Puppy Linux: Slacko 6.3.0. In each case I can't get "AudioMoth-1.1.1.AppImage" to do anything. I've checked that permissions are set and created the rules file but double clicking the icon does not work and there is no Run option in the context menu. The Appimage file was on the USB stick but I also tried copying it int bin and onto the desktop without any success. Linux utilities, browser etc all run properly.
Can any Linux Guru suggest a solution?
We should probably aim to support the 32-bit Ubuntu 16.04.5 Desktop which is the last supported 32-bit version of Ubuntu and should come with all the necessary USB HID and CDC drivers. I'll have to try to find a real 32-bit computer to try it out on.