I recently took part on the SW pilot for the BCT's British Bat survey - https://www.bats.org.uk/our-work/national-bat-monitoring-programme/british-bat-survey
To setup the AM's used for the BBS, a "Chime" consisting of 4 notes was played from a device (phone .. etc) and this configured the AM. https://www.bats.org.uk/our-work/national-bat-monitoring-programme/british-bat-survey/configure-your-audiomoth
I "assume" this was done with some custom firmware?, waiting for specific tones? As I suspect that just 4 notes cannot carry all the config. info needed? Can anyone confirm?
Just asking, as being able to re-configure a AM in the field, with just a phone was very useful.
Yes, it does. For our original deployment of AudioMoth to search for the New Forest cicada we used an Android app to log the serial number of the AudioMoth and to record the location with the GPS. However, support for the appropriate USB protocol wasn't continued. Audio configuration makes things a lot easier.