I'd like to ask, if it is possible to configure the AudioMoth without the App. It is not possible to run a graphical instance in my current configuration. There are two possible solutions for me: Config via USB from terminal or config from the sd-card (that will be switched - preferred solution). Has anyone done something like this and can point me in the right direction?
Thx in advance
When you send 0x06 the next four bytes in the packet are used to set the time, so this data needs to be set to the correct time. Check the configuration packet that the Config App sends.
We have a future firmware version planned that will allow the type of remote configuration that you are implementing but haven’t started on it yet. To use the standard firmware you’ll need some way to activate the switch. On the AudioMoth Dev board the switch connections are brought out to a header and you can then use a relay or mosfet to control the switch settings.
quick updaten: I've managed to read and write time. This don't sound like much, but it was quite tricky to get everything working. the next steps are to figure out the rest. my problem is now, if i send a 0x06 package, the time resets to almost 0 (1970). Is there a trick, that i've missed in the .js files? Next thing i've to figure out is how i can access the usb config port with the moth in custom or default mode. this might also be a potential problem to record and listen to the usb. How should i do the parameter update? Maybe finish the current recording and apply settings. or apply settings immediately with or without reset /recording restart ... just some thoughts
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your replies!
I'd like to put the moths (plural) somewhere in remote locations, paired with solar+battery and a NanoPi. The whole setup is connected via a mobile dataservice. So unattended operation should possible for a long time. There a few things i need to put into the firmware like the wakeup-gpio config (AudioMoth should wake up the Pi via GPIO at a given time),... I hope this helps a little bit, to understand what i've planned.
Configuration wise, i don't know at the moment what parameters should be send exactly. Record schedule for sure and maybe some gain settings. Would also be an idea, if i can send something like the json from the config app (saveAs) or parts of it.
If we go the USB-route, timesync would also be nice to have. So i might be ending up, creating a json->HID interpreter.
I'm going to check out the github files now and see what can be done. Wish me luck ;)
Hi Philipp, if you simply want to configure the audiomoth without app, you can also edit the config file on the sd card with a text editor... I did it a couple of times from other people's computer and without internet in the middle of nature... apparently it seemed to work.. in the operation manual there is a section "saving and loading configurations" that is showing some text examples... https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Application-Notes/master/AudioMoth_Operation_Manual.pdf
But correct me if I am wrong, Alex or any other...
Hi Philipp,
Both approaches are feasible with some work. Reading the configuration from the SD card would require modification of the firmware. We have already used this approach in the AudioMoth-GPS-Sync firmware so there is an example there, but you would need to dig into the C code. Setting the configuration from the command line is probably the easier route. The AudioMoth receives a 64-byte USB HID packet that sets the configuration. There is a command line tool for sending this packet here: https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/USB-HID-Tool This tool is used in a Node.js library here: https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/AudioMoth-HID The tricky bit would be working out the 64-byte packet that you need to send. We haven't documented this packet as it changes as we add new features at each firmware update. However, you can see how the current Config App sets the configuration packet inside the uiIndex.js file here: https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/AudioMoth-Configuration-App What settings do you need to change? What is the use case where you can't run the normal AudioMoth Config App?