I'll be using AudioMoths to monitor bat activity across landscape gradients in the Metro Vancouver area. I'm a bit new to configuring devices for acoustic recordings and have been running a few side-by-side comparisons of different settings on the newest firmware version 1.8.0. I'm curious if anyone has recommended settings for bat occupancy and/or relative abundance?
For regular recordings, sampling at 192kHz with medium gain will be fine. We use the default 55 seconds record, and 5 seconds sleep, to generate recordings that start on the change of each minute. For triggered recordings we use settings below. This is optimised for bats calling at around 48kHz.
The frequency trigger is a bit more sensitive than amplitude threshold. However, for loud bat passes settings like the one below work well.
The AudioMoth Filter Playground allows you to experiment with filter and trigger settings from existing recordings before you deploy them in the field.