I have tried writing to an AudioMoth and AudioMIcrophone. Both read the device, but my changes disappear if i disconnect and reconnect. Is there another 'button' to push?.
I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and have tried 24.04 LTS and have the following USB rule -
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0002", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="0666"
thank you,
Thank you Alex,
here are my steps, and obviously i'm missing something here,
with the AudioMoth device plugged in, I make the configuration changes
hit the green button, the app content dims and goes back to full green, assuming a write?
I kill the app, then restart it and i see the default configuration
I have a config.txt on my SD card, and that's correct
so i guess what your saying is the app will launch (with proper USB) and only read the time from the device? and that after configuration, the config.txt is written to the SD? So unless i pull the SD card, I don't really know how it is configured?
Hi Barry, Can you confirm what you mean by 'my changes disappear'? What do you expect to see, and what actually happens? The Config App does not read back the setting from the device it is plugged into. This is so that you can set up the app once, and then plug in a sequence of AudioMoth one by one, configuring each one with the same settings. The configuration will be set as long as the green button is enabled and you receive no warning. You should see the green LED on the AudioMoth blink once shortly after pressing the configure button, and the time will update to the correct time (if it was not previously set). If you switch the AudioMoth to DEFAULT or CUSTOM with an SD card fitted it will write a CONFIG.TXT file that summarises the configuration that is set. This configuration is persistent so you can remove the batteries, and it will stay set until reconfigured in the Config App. Alex