Hi there
I am wondering if the recordings taken from an AudioMoth have a particular dB weighting? (e.g. dbA, ITU).
I am asking because when creating spectrograms using the seewave package in R, the dB weighting must be set, and from looking it up I think this depends on the settings of the sound recorder. I have looked through the AudioMoth manual and can't find any reference of dB weighting.
Thanks Peggy
Thanks! For anyone seeing this with the same question, I ended up not including db weighting when writing the function, which I think means sensitivity is automatically set to linear. :)
Hi, The microphone has a very flat response across the 10Hz - 10kHz range.
As I understand it, the dB weighting is more a function of human perception of noise, rather than a function of the sound or the microphone itself, but I haven't used the seewave package so I'm not sure how it is used there.