Hello everyone,
I uploaded the first configuration and am about to install the µMoth in place for a series of recording tests.
I turned the potentiometer to DEFAULT with the following configuration:
Only the red LED flashes.
"timePeriods": [{"startMins":0,"endMins":480},{"startMins":1080,"endMins":1440}],
"ledEnabled": true,
"lowVoltageCutoffEnabled": true,
"batteryLevelCheckEnabled": true,
"sampleRate": 48000,
"gain": 2,
"recordDuration": 55,
"sleepDuration": 5,
"localTime": false,
"firstRecordingDateEnabled": false,
"lastRecordingDateEnabled": false,
"dutyEnabled": true,
"passFiltersEnabled": false,
"filterType": "high",
"lowerFilter": 16000,
"higherFilter": 65535,
"amplitudeThresholdingEnabled": false,
"amplitudeThreshold": 0.001,
"requireAcousticConfig": false,
"displayVoltageRange": false,
"minimumAmplitudeThresholdDuration": 0,
"amplitudeThresholdingScale": "percentage",
"version": "1.6.0",
"energySaverModeEnabled": true,
"disable48DCFilter": false,
"lowGainRangeEnabled": false,
"timeSettingFromGPSEnabled": false,
"magneticSwitchEnabled": false
Do you think that's OK?
Yes. When you switch to DEFAULT it makes a continuous recording at the current settings (ignoring the schedule). You will find the resulting WAV file on the SD card. There is a complete manual here - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Application-Notes/master/AudioMoth_Operation_Manual.pdf - and lots of 'Getting Started' resources here - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/getting-started. Alex