we are using the AudioMoth-Modulo-7-Days_1_0_1version to recordo some hours a day each one week untill de batteries dead whitout problems, but when I conguigured to record all hours in the nigth the date change and the record stop.
Is possible to configure to record from Monday evening to Tuesday morning, Wednesday to MOnday sleep and Monday evening to Tuesday morning record again?
I'll have a look at the code. We're working on a scripting solution that will address all these use cases, as the modulo 7-day solution was a bit of a hack to implement this single use case.
Try this version:https://www.dropbox.com/s/lcppzc2cgelu7nn/AudioMoth-Modulo-7-Days_1_0_1.bin?dl=0It will work exactly as the current standard release, but only record one day per week when in CUSTOM mode.
Not with the standard firmware, but we've been experimenting with trial versions that record on every Nth day - starting counting from the first day of 2022. Would that work for your deployment if we set N to 7?
Any progress on the every Nth day programming?
Hi Alex,
we are using the AudioMoth-Modulo-7-Days_1_0_1 version to recordo some hours a day each one week untill de batteries dead whitout problems, but when I conguigured to record all hours in the nigth the date change and the record stop.
Is possible to configure to record from Monday evening to Tuesday morning, Wednesday to MOnday sleep and Monday evening to Tuesday morning record again?
Yes, of course, we can try it. Thnaks!!
Not with the standard firmware, but we've been experimenting with trial versions that record on every Nth day - starting counting from the first day of 2022. Would that work for your deployment if we set N to 7?