Hi -- I am working with volunteers across the state with acoustic recording of bats using AudioMoths. One of the persistent questions they (and I) have regards changing out batteries and the SD card. So, two questions:
When batteries are changed out, do the volunteers have to reconfigure the AudioMoth with it hooked up to a computer?
When an SD card is switched out, same question, do they need to reconfigure with it hooked up to a computer?
While I am here, what is the point of the AudioMoth app (has time)? Does it have a use or not?
Thank you.
Craig Hensley
Hi Craig, Once the device is configured with the Configuration App, it will remember the configuration even if the batteries and SD card are removed. The configuration is stored in persistent flash memory inside the microcontroller on the board. However, if you remove the batteries you need to set the time on the AudioMoth so it can calculate when to record. You can either do this with the AudioMoth Time App, which sets the time without changing the configuration, or with the smartphone app.
The smartphone app is the easiest way. Switch the AudioMoth to CUSTOM without having set the time and it will show a constant red LED and a flashing green LED. Use the app to play the chime close to the AudioMoth and it will decode the time, and then start the recording schedule. Alex