I'd like to know the frequency range, signal-to-noise ratio and price of recording equipment, such as AudioMoth, AudioMoth Dev, MicroMoth and AudioMoth USB Microphone. Can these products be used alone in the field? Don't need a computer or an iPad?
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There are datasheets for each device here - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/datasheets The AudioMoth is intended to be deployed alone in its waterproof housing or in a custom housing. AudioMoth Dev is intended to be built into larger devices and requires a custom housing and battery pack. AudioMoth USB Microphone is intended to be used with a laptop in the field and not for permanent deployment unless a custom housing is used. All the devices are sold through LabMaker (https://www.labmaker.org) and GroupGets (https://groupgets.com). For large orders (100 devices or more) or specific requirements, contact sales@openacousticdevices.info.