I'm in the UK, this is a UK-developed device, available only from GroupGets at $49.99 with minimum shipping cost of an additional $47.98, i.e doubling the cost. Am I interpreting this right? Are there alternative sources with sensible shipping? I could drive to Southampton or Oxford in less than an hour!
I want to order through groupgets, I'm living in Belgium. How much do I'll have to pay for shipping costs? Or do I alos get my device throught the UK (11$ shipping) way?
Hi Peter, Arribada imports devices destined to the EU to assist customers and then re-ships them out, but for Australia your best bet in future rounds is to try and find others that may be willing to share the cost or postage via this forum I would believe. Kind regards, Alasdair
Is there a similar arrangement for Australia?
Hi Kelvin,
If you're in the UK then yes, you can get a reduce shipping cost of $11. The $49.99 is the GroupGets USPS cost for an insured and tracked package, even for a single AudioMoth. To reduce the cost for UK users we import a large bulk order in and pay the import fees using a portion of the campaign profits. The $11 is then used to re-send the order out via the Royal Mail. If you didn't get this rate when you ordered recently then check in with the GroupGets team as it should have automatically changed the rate if you selected the UK as your destination.
Kind regards,