Hi all!
I hope this question is appropriate for this forum, and that you can possibly help lead me in the right direction. I'm using the warbleR package in R and I'm getting an error in my coding in the first steps of the analysis. I'm trying to filter my recordings in the coding, and I'm getting a specific error:
> wavs
[1] "Catharus-ustulatus-100584.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-100585.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-100586.wav"
[4] "Catharus-ustulatus-100587.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-101352.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-101353.wav"
[7] "Catharus-ustulatus-101354.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-101356.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-101436.wav"
[10] "Catharus-ustulatus-101879.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-104708.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-105737.wav"
[13] "Catharus-ustulatus-21791.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-21792.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-2853.wav"
[16] "Catharus-ustulatus-63227.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-65833.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-67148.wav"
[19] "Catharus-ustulatus-70477.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-70509.wav" "Catharus-ustulatus-79664.wav"
[22] "June2830_sample.wav"
> # tiff image files are better quality and are faster to produce
> lspec(flist = wavs, ovlp = 10, it = "tiff")
| | 0 % ~calculating Error in readChar(con, 4) : invalid UTF-8 input in readChar()
In addition: Warning message:
In readChar(con, 4) : truncating string with embedded nuls
I tried to subset the data with only two or three .wav files, but I get the same error. Any guidance is greatly appreciated, thanks SO MUCH!
I'm attaching three of the .wav files in case one of them doesn't work for whatever reason! These are from xeno-canto though, they're not files from my Audiomoths that were deployed. In the above code, I'm trying to filter the .wav files based on an example here (https://rpubs.com/marcelo-araya-salas/110155).
Thanks so much!