Hello Alex, I got my AudioMoth Dev today, and I gave a first try.
When connected with the USB cable, it looks to be OK.
I connected a LiPo battery 3.7 V the rigth way. The green LED is fixed.
I am using a µSD 32 Gb freshly formated Fat32
When I put the swicth to DEFAULT or CUSTOM, nothing is recorded. The two LED are falsing together slowly then rapidly.
I noticed that the first time the µSD was a bit difficult to be inserted.
I flashed the "External-SRAM-Check-1.0.0.bin" => the green LED is flashing...
Do I miss something ? Best regards
Just to confirm. Does it record okay when powered by USB without the battery connected but with the SD card plugged in? Switch to DEFAULT and it should start making a recording immediately, flashing the red LED.