I am very new to this, so apologies if this has already been discussed in another post.
We have 12 AudioMoth v1.1.0 available, and we were planning to get some underwater cases to use them on the west coast of Scotland in <30m attached to creels. However, on the GroupGets store, it says the following:
"The AudioMoth Underwater Case is designed specifically for the HydroMoth and AudioMoth version 1.2.0 (without the 3.5mm socket). Other versions of AudioMoth will fit inside the case, but we recommend version 1.2.0 to minimize self-noise in recordings."
As there will be no newer versions of Audio/HydroMoths available for some time, and we would need this by Feb/Mar 2023, I was wondering how big of an issue the self-noise is, and if there is any way to work around this?
In the underwater case the self noise of AudioMoth 1.1 is amplified. The noise appears as artifacts in the recording. The artifacts can be seen as high frequency low amplitude impulses representing SD card writes. The noise can be reduced by using good quality Lithium batteries and low energy SD cards. If you are recording at a lower sample rates <48kHz, the noise generally doesn't appear.