I have the 1.0.1 board. The old datasheet is from August 2021. What is the difference between the two versions? Is there a schematic that shows components not listed on the Datasheet?
What is the max humidity that this board, and the AudioMoth can tolerate, without being put in a water resistant enclosure?
The AudioMoth Dev boards are currently assembled in the UK. GroupGets assemble AudioMoth in the US and LabMaker in Germany. It’s regular PCBA - printed circuit board assembly - so automated pick and place machines and reflow soldering.
The current datasheet for AudioMoth Dev from 30/10/2023 is here: https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Datasheets/blob/main/AudioMoth_Dev_1_0_1_Datasheet/AudioMoth_Dev_1_0_1_Datasheet.pdf
The datasheets have change log at the end that describes updates at each version number:
The update to version 1.0.1. was just a change to the 3.5mm socket as the original version went out of production. AudioMoth devices are bare printed circuit boards so should be protected from any environment which isn't a typical office environment. If deployed outside they should be protected with some sort of weatherproof housing and where possible protected from moisture with a silica gel sachet.