First I will explain the protocol we've been working on, which is a bit long (sorry for that) and then I will explain the problem. We are working with a project called LifePlan and have been following the protocol for setting the Audiomoths as follows:
"To start the first recording,
In the LIFEPLAN app, select "Place", and then scan the AudioMoth QR code and the microSD card QR code on the microSD card.
Insert the microSD card in the Audiomoth.
Insert charged batteries.
Set the correct UTC time with the Clock app: switch to DEFAULT mode and play the chime from the app until the green flashing light stops flashing and stays on.
Switch to CUSTOM to start recording.
Put the recorder in its waterproof case, with the microphone symbol aligned with the grey acoustic vent. Close the case and mount it with the strap."
and for the weekly samplings
"At each audio recorder:
Switch AudioMoth to USB/OFF
Wait for red light to stop blinking. If a green light is on or blinking it is not switched to USB/OFF, please check the switch position.
Remove the microSD card. In the LIFEPLAN app, select "Collect", and then scan the AudioMoth QR code and the microSD card QR code.
Put the collected microSD card in its adapter for safekeeping
In the LIFEPLAN app, select "Place", and then scan the AudioMoth QR code and the microSD card QR code on the new, empty card.
Insert the new microSD card in the Audiomoth.
Replace batteries.
Set the correct UTC time with the Clock app
- switch to DEFAULT mode, the green light should blink"
Now, the problem is that we tried to follow the weekly sampling protocol but it is flashing the red and green lights, indicating there is no schedule set in the device. So, we tired to play the chime again to configure it, but the device is not recognizing the chime. Then, we attempted to connect the device in USB/off mode to set the time and schedule by hand, but the computers are not recognizing the device. When we take the batteries off, the device flashes the green light but still the laptop and the Audiomoth-config app are not recognizing it.
Apologies for the long post! hope to hear from you soon :)
Hi Sofia, Does this AudioMoth definitely have the custom LIFEPLAN firmware installed? To check, use the AudioMoth Time App here - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/applications. You will need to be able to connect the AudioMoth to a computer via the USB cable. Nearly all connection problems are due to the USB cable being a charging cable, rather than a data cable, so try with a few cables and a different computer if possible. Once it has connected to the app it will show you the installed firmware. Can you post a screen shot here.