I would like to record the activity of wood boring insects and therefore use a structure-borne sound sensor. Can anyone recommend how to implement this on a AudioMoth? Can I use the rx pin and make this an input for sound or better replacing the mic? And can anyone give me a guideline how to pick a sensor that works well with the e rest of the electronics?
Anyway, I want wo say “Thank You!” for this cool tool!
How much power you take from the 3V output will depend a little on the SD card. The regulators are rated to 100mA so to avoid any affect on audio quality you should ensure that the SD card write current, plus whatever you use from the GPIO, is less than that total. For the input amplitude, it should basically just look as much as possible like the output of the equivalent electret microphone - probably around 5mV RMS.
Hi Jonas,
I posted a somewhat similar question some months ago, but have not received a comment so far. Any success with your tests?
I am planning to do a contact microphone with a piezo film sensor. As this will need some amplification, there are some openquestions coming up. How much current can I daw from the 3V source? Which level of signal voltage should I target to reach the internal preamp after the external amplification?
Thank you very much!
does the 1.2 hardware support dual / stereo input?
The new hardware version (AudioMoth 1.2) supports an external microphone which might be the most direct solution. There are also four GPIO pins on the top of the board that can be used as digital inputs so with some front-end electronics you could also use that the feed a signal into AudioMoth.