Hi all, I have some Audiomoth 1.2's and GPS PA1616S modules. This configuaration requires some soldering to attach the GPS to the audiomoth. Pictures attached. The contacts are perfectly aligned and have the right codes which match to one another.
The audiomoths and app are fully updated to latest firmware.
I have tried to configure the device in numerous ways using the app, ticking the GPS for time setting box etc, changing the recording duration, making sure the device has a clear view of the sky. Leaving it for hours to make sure it has enough time to get a fix. But I never get any GPS information saved, just audio files, suggesting it is not recognising that the GPS module exists. The config.txt shows that it knows I said YES to GPS time setting. Strangely, on one iteration I had turned off the GPS time setting box, and lo and behold there was a GPS.txt file. However I could never replicate this feat. I have tried with two audiomoths and two GPS modules, both brand new. Same thing. Any ideas as to what I'm missing? Cheers!
Has this thread been resolved yet? I have just purchased the latest version Audiomoth and a GPS hat but am not sure how to solder the hat to the board, are there any instructional videos or tutorials out there?
Ah ha! that could explain it. I will test to see. And yes I've seen the instructional page, very helpful. I really appreciate such a swift response.
If you haven’t already seen it, check out the application note here. The GPS hat is identical in operation to the GPS board.
The GPS.TXT file is generated and/or added to each time the GPS is powered on.
The GPS will be automatically powered on a few minutes before each recording period to update the time, and also when immediately switching to CUSTOM if the time hasn’t already been set through the Config App or Time App.
I think you are switching to CUSTOM in the middle of a recording period, with the time having been set from the Config App, so the AudioMoth doesn’t need to power up the GPS and immediately starts making recordings.
If you configure the AudioMoth with the GPS check selected, remove the USB cable and batteries so the time is lost, replace batteries and switch to CUSTOM, you should see the red GPS LED come on as the AudioMoth acquires a time fix.
You will most likely have to place the AudioMoth outside to get good GPS reception. A fix from cold start takes about 60 seconds and you will see the AudioMoth red LED start to flash faster as it acquires GPS messsges, acquires GPS fixes and finally gets five sequential pulse per second signals. Subsequent fixes will take about 20 seconds.
The GPS.TXT file will contain a log of events.