I am connecting the AudioMoth USB Microphone on Arch Linux. The device shows up as follows:
Bus 003 Device 017: ID 10c4:0002 Silicon Labs F32x USBXpress Device
However, no AudioMoth application (LiveApp, ConfigurationApp, FlashApp) finds the device.
error: No AudioMoth found
I have tried different USB cables, all with the same result. Given that the device shows up it does not seem to be a cable problem.
The switch on the side of the device is set to USB/OFF
Any ideas?
The switch should be set to either CUSTOM or DEFAULT for the device to appear as a microphone. When in the USB/OFF position, it is enumerated as a USB HID device and you can change the configuration with the AudioMoth Microphone App - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/usb-microphone.
USB/OFF: When the switch is set to USB/OFF the sample rates, gain and filter options can be set through the AudioMoth USB Microphone App above. The green LED will light when USB is connected.
DEFAULT: When the switch is set to DEFAULT the device will enumerate as a USB microphone implementing the set sample rate and gain. The green LED will flash at a rate determined by the sample rate (identical to that of the standard AudioMoth firmware).
CUSTOM: When the switch is set to CUSTOM the device will again enumerate as a USB microphone implementing the sample rate and gain settings as above, and also the requested filter and advanced settings. The red LED will flash at a rate determined by the sample rate (identical to that of the standard AudioMoth firmware). You can switch between DEFAULT and CUSTOM whilst recording to see the effect of these settings. if the AudioMoth Microphone App cannot see the AudioMoth USB Microphone when it is in USB/OFF check the additional Linux steps at the bottom of this page have been completed here - https://www.openacousticdevices.info/applications