I have a 1.1.0 unit that I have used for a few years and all of a sudden it doesn't record at the correct time. I have checked and double checked that the time is updated and local time selected but the device keeps recording 1 hour later than it is programmed to do. It's possible it has suffered some water damage (see image) though I don't understand how physical damage could influence the unit like this...either way any ideas much appreciated! See log file below if useful - it appears to me it is receiving the instructions OK from the configuration app. This was set at 16:30 and recorded OK, but not when set to record 16:25-16:35.
Device ID : 240435055C7A144A
Firmware : AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic (1.6.0)
Time zone : UTC+1
Sample rate (Hz) : 384000
Gain : Medium-High
Sleep duration (s) : 10
Recording duration (s) : 10
Active recording periods : 1
Recording period 1 : 15:25 - 15:35 (UTC)
Earliest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Latest recording time : ---------- --:--:--
Filter : -
Amplitude threshold : -
Minimum trigger duration (s) : -
Enable LED : Yes
Enable low-voltage cut-off : Yes
Enable battery level indication : Yes
Always require acoustic chime : No
Disable 48Hz DC blocking filter : No
Enable energy saver mode : No