As stated in Flash App, fimware 1.5 and upper implement persistent configuration (settings remain even when power is lost).
Is this feature available only on some hardware version ?
I've tried with removing batteries from an AudioMoth 1.0.0 (firmware 1.6.0) and it looses its configuration. ie. continuous red LED and 'fast' flashing green LED whens switched to Custom mode.
As I have 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 models, I will try on these hardware versions when I retrieve them.
That persistence of the settings is a real 'plus' in the case of long duration surveys. Just go and swap batteries and memory, set time and it's done.
Thanks for having implemented that !
Sorry for slow response. Yes, the configuration is persistent but you need to reset the time. Works on all hardware versions.
Oh, I'm replying to myself, after having re-read
When power is lost, AudioMoth looses its time reference.
When powered on again it waits for the time setting. Can be done with Time App or the mobile App (play the chime).
Works well on 1.0.0 hardware. Guess it is working on subsequent versions as well.