Hi all,
Not sure if someone has done this here already, but I've created some R code to batch rename a folder of AudioMoth files to apply the date and time they were created. Hope this is of use to others:
#Convert filenames of AudioMoth to date and time of creation
#Set directory to folder containing files
setwd("~/Dropbox (Baker Consultants)/AudioMoth_Rename") #Change this to wherever your files are located
Audiomoth_Dir <- "~/Dropbox/AudioMoth_Rename"
#Generate list of files present within the folder
file_list <-list.files(Audiomoth_Dir, pattern = "*.WAV", full.names = FALSE)
#Generate vector of creation dates and times
wav_file_info <- file.info(file_list)
new_names <- as.character(wav_file_info$mtime)
#Rename files
file.rename(from = file_list, to = str_c(new_names,".wav"))
Bulk Rename Utility can also correct the UTC timestamps to local time if that is your preference.