Yes, this is definitely possible. The Silicon Labs micro controllers that we use all reserve a few pages of the flash memory for user data which is intended for this type of storage.
We'll have a think about it. At the moment we've tried to avoid any persistent storage so that taking the batteries out always returns the device to a known state. That's why the configuration data is stored in the backup domain SRAM which is lost when the batteries are removed.
That said, the DEFAULT setting is a bit strange at the moment as it has some completely default settings upon power up (gain 2, 48kHz, 60 second recordings) but also takes these from the configuration if it has been set to something else.
Maybe these should be IMMEDIATE and SCHEDULED modes and we have different settings possible for each. The IMMEDIATE settings (or both) could then potentially be made persistent so if the batteries are removed it is only necessary to set the time in order to use SCHEDULED mode.
We have a big upgrade coming which will be version 1.3.0 of the firmware to support sunrise and sunset tracking, configurable high and low pass filters, and compressed output files. It would be good to incorporate any changes into that release.
Even better would be to have the option to preserve a given set of settings as new defaults. I know that with PIC micros you can write data to the Flash ROM and I guess that may be possible for ARM as well. So, in the configuration program you could tick a box to say 'make this the new default setting' and the values would be stored permanently in the AudioMoth. Takes extra power and the number of writes may be limited but its not something that would need to be done very often, but different users have different preferred settings and it would provide a quick recovery if the batteries had to be changed, or had just got jostled and fallen out.
Yes, this is definitely possible. The Silicon Labs micro controllers that we use all reserve a few pages of the flash memory for user data which is intended for this type of storage.
We'll have a think about it. At the moment we've tried to avoid any persistent storage so that taking the batteries out always returns the device to a known state. That's why the configuration data is stored in the backup domain SRAM which is lost when the batteries are removed.
That said, the DEFAULT setting is a bit strange at the moment as it has some completely default settings upon power up (gain 2, 48kHz, 60 second recordings) but also takes these from the configuration if it has been set to something else.
Maybe these should be IMMEDIATE and SCHEDULED modes and we have different settings possible for each. The IMMEDIATE settings (or both) could then potentially be made persistent so if the batteries are removed it is only necessary to set the time in order to use SCHEDULED mode.
We have a big upgrade coming which will be version 1.3.0 of the firmware to support sunrise and sunset tracking, configurable high and low pass filters, and compressed output files. It would be good to incorporate any changes into that release.
Even better would be to have the option to preserve a given set of settings as new defaults. I know that with PIC micros you can write data to the Flash ROM and I guess that may be possible for ARM as well. So, in the configuration program you could tick a box to say 'make this the new default setting' and the values would be stored permanently in the AudioMoth. Takes extra power and the number of writes may be limited but its not something that would need to be done very often, but different users have different preferred settings and it would provide a quick recovery if the batteries had to be changed, or had just got jostled and fallen out.