Hello, Alex!
The record.py script at https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/Application-Notes/blob/master/Using_the_AudioMoth_USB_Microphone_Firmware_and_Hardware/record.py is not running. I have tried to fix it with no results. This is the error I get:
Expression 'paInvalidSampleRate' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 2048
Expression 'PaAlsaStreamComponent_InitialConfigure( &self->capture, inParams, self->primeBuffers, hwParamsCapture, &realSr )' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 2718
Expression 'PaAlsaStream_Configure( stream, inputParameters, outputParameters, sampleRate, framesPerBuffer, &inputLatency, &outputLatency, &hostBufferSizeMode )' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 2842
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/record.py", line 29, in <module>
stream = audio.open(format=audio_format, rate=sample_rate, channels=number_of_channels, input_device_index=device_index, input=True, frames_per_buffer=chunk_size)
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyaudio/__init__.py", line 639, in open
stream = PyAudio.Stream(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyaudio/__init__.py", line 441, in __init__
self._stream = pa.open(**arguments)
OSError: [Errno -9997] Invalid sample rate
Could you have a look? Any advice is appreciated!
The error message you're encountering indicates that the sample rate you're trying to use (192,000 Hz) is not supported by your AudioMoth device or your system's audio configuration. word vs word