Hi All, I tried to flash my AudioMoth from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 and lamentably I didn't finish successfully. I appreciate in advance the solidarity of the Audiomoth's Community. To summarize: 1) I downloaded the last firmware to flash from: https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/AudioMoth-Configuration-App/releases
2) I downloaded the flash tool for Mac Users from:
3) I executed the step by step from: https://www.openacousticdevices.info/flashing
4) During the step 7). Step 7: Flash AudioMoth device, the bash print the error "ERROR: Timed out waiting for send confirmation from AudioMoth", that seems that the Audiomoth is not reachable: I reviewed that the AudioMoth is in "custom" switch on, without batteries and without micro SD Card, so the pre-requirements are ok.
The troubleshooting process that I executed was:
1. Repeat the process . The results was the same error.
2. Execute the process as a root. The results was the same error.
3. Change the privilegies in flash executable and also in the device: chmod 777 dev/tty.usbmodem14201 chmod 777 flash A new error appeared ERROR: Did not receive response from AudioMoth after sending chunk Below is the terminal print screen: sh-3.2# cd Desktop/flash/
sh-3.2# ls
AudioMoth1.2.1.bin flash
sh-3.2# ./flash
sh-3.2# ./flash -i /dev/tty.usbmodem14201
Serial Number: 248C7D075B2BEB30
sh-3.2# ./flash -u /dev/tty.usbmodem14201 AudioMoth1.2.1.bin
ERROR: Timed out waiting for send confirmation from AudioMoth
sh-3.2# ./flash -u /dev/tty.usbmodem14201 ./AudioMoth1.2.1.bin
ERROR: Timed out waiting for send confirmation from AudioMoth Best regards from Chile, Neotropic. Cristián Pinto // cristian.pinto@ymail.com
Appears that your flash command is not being executed inside the specified directory. (I’m ignoring the minor typo in Audio)
open terminal app
cd ~/Desktop/AuidoMoth
make sure that the command working directory is changed to the directory supplied.
chmod a+x flash
./flash -i /dev/ttyACM0
substitute ACM0 for the device path as found when connected to the USB port, the paper clip is connected, and the switch moved to the custom position. Find the device by running
ls -l /dev/tty*
before and after connecting the device. the new device will be appear is the list after the device is connected.
To piggy-back off of this question, I am also using a mac OS and am attempting to update the firmware to 1.2.1. I cannot get passed the step where I am instructed to run the command chmod a+x flash.
Sarahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ Sarah$ /Users/Sarah/Desktop/AuidoMoth
-bash: /Users/Sarah/Desktop/AuidoMoth: is a directory
Sarahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ Sarah$ chmod a+x flash
chmod: flash: No such file or directory
What am I doing wrong?
Have been having the same issue as described above. Can confirm that running the command to get the serial number twice before uploading the new firmware was a successful workaround.
sudo ./flash -i /dev/ttyACM0 Serial Number: 24A0xxxxxxxxxxxx
sudo ./flash -i /dev/ttyACM0 Serial Number: 24A0xxxxxxxxxxxx
Then running
sudo ./flash -u /dev/ttyACM0 AudioMoth1.2.1.bin Programmed: 45912 bytes Flash CRC: 99F5
Hi, The software is working fine at each end but for some reason some of the serial packets seem to be getting lost. This is sometimes fixed by reading the serial number a couple of times before sending the command to update the firmware, or powering the AudioMoth down and restarting the boot loader. Alex