Hi - i have been experimenting with using different tapes over a hole in my AudioMoth housings with not much success! There is no doubt that the naked devices record best - but obviously not an option! i can get recordings using cloth tape and scotch tape over the hole but there are definitely compromised. I have googles 'waterproof acoustic sticker' and similar variants as mentioned elsewhere on this forum but just get a whole bunch of builder's materials.
Any suggestion gratefully received!
I know this is a rather old thread, but, do we have a different supplier for these VOIR membranes please. I tried Alibaba as the link as above but all I got was bombarded with emails requesting bank details !!!!!
We had a thread a while back with a few options. We use Voir, like gore they have lots of new waterproof acoustic sticker membranes available. It's worth emailing them as they are happy to send samples.
This must be the material mentioned elsewhere on this forum: www.gore.com/products/gore-vents-for-cell-phones