Dear friends,
We have used a number of devices (26) in a field experiment, and after tagging all resulting files automatically with a code routine, I've realised that the file headers of all them contain the same AudioMoth ID, which does not correspond to any of the devices we have.
I attach a screenshot of the header of a random file as shown in Audacity. No matter which software/recording I use to read them the ID in the message is always the same (whereas the rest of the details, such as date, gain or battery seem to be consistent):
The device ID we keep getting in all files is: 0FE081F80FE081F0
Any idea of why we don't get the real ID of the devices in the header? It would be a very convenient feature to help us tag every recording with a unique code.
Many thanks!
Thanks Alex! That's great news. Best,
Hi, Yes, this was a bug in an earlier version of the firmware. We'll be releasing a new version of the firmware next week which fixes this. The new version also adds longer human readable file names with the time stamp, and the possibility of querying the firmware version in the configuration app. Alex