My audio moth appears to have continuous white noise and volume of recording appears to have reduced. I have changed the batteries, without any improvement, haven't tried filtering etc, as I never had to previously but I attach a test file - recorded in my bedroom, no case and speaking quite strongly into the microphone from around 300mm. Any advice would be welcomed (Audiomoth 1.1.0).
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I have updated the firmware to the latest and recorded a short file without case and without any filtering - The white noise seems to be similar.
Sometimes corrosion or water damage will damage the microphone but it seems strange that the actual audio is actually quite good quality. Normally water damage will cause it to revert to just white noise. Check that 'low-gain range' hasn't been selected in the 'Advanced' pane of the config app.
Can you share the CONFIG.TXT file that it writes.
Hello, I had the same problem. I related it to a thunderbolt or maybe with the end of the microphone's useful life. In any case, the operation of the audiomoth is the same that you indicate, and I have not been able to solve it. I understand that the solution is to change the microphone, although my device recorded at a lower volume than yours
Best regards,