Hello all,
I would like to share a housing problem faced in our project in the Brazilian Cerrado (Savannah). We've installed 20 AudioMoths in the field, using only the zip-lock plastic bag provided (round 8), some installed with tampons (yep!), testing for condensation control.

We've exposed those units for almost a month in the field and heavy rainfall hit them. However, the bigger issue was the condensation itself - it seems that the plastic bag protected against the rain only. Some here have provided solutions with the acoustic membranes, we'll try it in the future. We've lost 5 AudioMoths and removed all of them from the field, trying to figure out how to better protect the survivors.
Be careful, strong scenes to follow:

Oh Gosh! I'm sorry about your recorders. Well, we (bromeligenous project in Espírito Santo, BRA use two plastic bag (like these) and one support above it to avoid rainfall.