Starting from 1.2.1, I can update my Audiomoth 1.1.0 units up to firmware version 1.3.0. Then if I update to 1.4.0 everything seems to go on fine but at the end I get: "No AudioMoth found". Config app does not recognize the unit either. I can flash to 1.3.0 again using the paperclip and then everything works. Note that 1.3.0 supports automatic switching to flashing mode, but I have tried with a paperclip as well.
The problem happens with all versions >= 1.4.0 I have to work with 1.3.0
ok, directions for Windows 7 users (please note I have my OS in Spanish and I translate, so some technical terms might actually be different):
Update to 1.4.4 following standard directions
Everything goes smoothly, but in the end you get the message "No Audiomoth found". If you try the Config app, it will not recognize the unit. This is not a problem of Audiomoth, it is a Windows 7 problem.
Go to Device Manager and find there a USB with a sign of alert (unfortunately did not get a screenshot of it and it's not there anymore..., I think it was under the section HID devices, then an USB device there), right-click and select Properties, then Driver and Update driver. Select and wait for the system to look over the internet for an updated version of the driver that will be automatically installed. Be patient (it's windows...)
The config app should now recognize your Audiomoth unit.