I’m working on making some changes to the firmware using Firmware-Basic on Github as a starting point. I followed the usage instructions including the AudioMoth-Project on Github, but I’ve encountered an issue with missing header files, including:
Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this issue or let me know where I can find these files?
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
Hi Leo,
Are you using the make file and the make process is complaining about those missing files? If so, it sounds like you haven't updated these two lines that include the gps/src/ and /gps/inc/ folders into the build process: INC = ../cmsis ../device/inc ../emlib/inc ../emusb/inc ../drivers/inc ../fatfs/inc ../gps/inc ../inc SRC = ../device/src ../emlib/src ../emusb/src ../drivers/src ../fatfs/src ../gps/src ../src See the instructions on the README here: https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/AudioMoth-Firmware-Basic If the files are actually missing, it sounds like you may be building from an old version (or not building on top of) the AudioMoth-Project repository that contains that code inside the /gps/ folder. https://github.com/OpenAcousticDevices/AudioMoth-Project Alex