We have multiple AudioMoths and are using BirdNET to analyze the recordings. Since we have 10+ units, it takes some time to remove the cards, put them in an adapter, insert into card reader, run BirdNET, and repeat.
Has anyone come up with a more efficient way to process multiple cards? One idea I had was to buy a 10 port USB hub to allow for sequential processing of the microSD cards once they were all plugged into the USB hub via a python script that would iterate through each card. But that would also involve inserting each microSD card into a USB-microSD adapter.
I did look into microSD card readers that had multiple microSD slots but there aren’t many options and I think the max number of microSD slots I saw was five.
Or are there any plans for a firmware update that might give us access to the SD card when the device is connected to a computer via the microUSB port?
Any other ideas? Thanks!!